Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Brady's Introduction

Brady Munger
January 17, 2012
Introduction Blog

For my introduction to our blog, I will start off with telling a little about myself and my interests, and then divulge into the athletes that I picked for our in class assignment and why.  Starting off, me personally I am a very active and outgoing person.  I am not shy in the least bit, and am very active in my learning and in my life.  I am currently a junior at BGSU, age wise I am a sophomore but I finished a year of college in high school so I am a whole year ahead of the game. Sports wise, I have many different interests.  My favorite sport is hockey.  I am currently the student manager of the BGSU hockey team, and love what I do with the team.  It is my dream to work in the professional hockey scene, especially with my favorite team the Detroit Redwings.  My dream job would be holding the position of general manager for the Wings.  My other sports interests include football, and Lacrosse.  In high school I played football and currently am a member of the club lacrosse team here at BGSU.  I love sports all around and it is for sure my number one interest in life.

For the athletes that I picked for our class room exercises, I picked Gordie Howe and Mia Moore.  The reason I picked Howe is because of the historical significance that he holds not only in my favorite sport, but for my favorite team.  He is one of the greatest players in history, and has set many records and done many great things for the game of hockey and the NHL.  The reason I picked Mia Moore is because of the influence she holds.  She is such a young athlete, coming from the University of Connecticut but she has the poise and leadership of a veteran.  She is so influential in her sport, and for the advancement of professional women's sport that I hold a high opinion of her, and would love to see her skills on the court. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brady,
    I'm glad to know that you are not shy! That will be an important attribute in this class. That's great that you were able to finish a year of college before even starting at BGSU. That should definitely give you an advantage in finishing early. I'm glad you shared the images of Gordie Howe and Maya ("Mia") Moore. The picture of Gordie Howe reminds me that at one time hockey players did not wear helmets. That seems crazy when looking back on it - especially with the increasing emphasis on avoiding concussions. I had to look up Mia Moore because I was thinking her name was Maya - but I found out that she goes by both. So I just needed to clear that up.
    In any case, I was glad to read your introduction and look forward to reading your future entries.
    Dr. Spencer
